The actor has endured a public backlash over the last couple of days, particularly on the Internet shortly after he released some nude photos of himself, in which he used a curtain to cover his manhood. The actor immediately reacted to the insults he got from people by releasing a statement on his Instagram page.
However, in a chat with Saturday Beats, the actor blamed the situation on his being “handsome”.
“There is nothing wrong with that picture; I have talked about this gay issue endlessly and I am tired. People always accuse handsome men of being gay.
“I have played the role of being gay in three movies so maybe they are accusing me because I did justice to the roles. I am a versatile actor, so I was just being professional.
“I took the picture for a movie. I have been living with this allegation and it is not fair; God will judge the people judging me. Whoever thinks he has clean hands should cast the first stone.
“Let them keep talking, talk is cheap and free; rumours even make me more popular. I have my fans, people still love me regardless of what some others say,” he told Saturday Beats.
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